3 ways to combat mental health issues when running a business
When you are running a small business in NSW, the pressure is on to perform all of the time. You need to be at your best in order to give your best to your company and staff – but things outside of your control can really run you down.
Australian Taxation Office statistics indicate 20 per cent of people in the workplace suffer from some form of mental health condition. But there are ways you can address the strains of owning a business – let's take a look at the three ways you can combat mental health issues while running your business.
Keep vigilant for the signs of strain
The signs of mental health can be subtle, or glaringly obvious. Small Business NSW identify a range of warning signs that could indicate you are manifesting a mental health issue, including:
- Feeling constantly fatigued or unable to sleep.
- Being unusually emotional – crying or angrily lashing out at people.
- An inability to make rational decisions or perform basic, everyday tasks.

Letting mental health issues affect how you run your business could lead to disaster.
20 per cent of people in the workplace suffer from some form of mental health condition.
Seek support
If you think you may have a mental health condition, it is important you seek help immediately. Your first reaction may be to ignore it and hope it will go away. Reach out to friends and family – talk about what's bothering you. Sharing your concerns can make a huge difference in alleviating internal stress.
There is a huge range of support options you can get for your SME if you suffer from mental health problems. NSW has a huge number of organisations dedicated to helping business owners, either through psychological or financial support. These include beyondblue, Heads Up and Lifeline Australia.
Manage only what you can manage
High rates of depression and anxiety for SME owners are partially down to having to manage all aspects of your business, no matter your field of expertise. This is especially true in looking after your finances, which may seem like a mountain to climb. Better managing your small business finances with professional help can go a long way in avoiding mental health issues from cropping up.
Wilson Porter offers a range of financial consulting and services, as well as business development and support services for SMEs. It's never too late to reach out for help – contact the team today.