How small businesses can control their energy bills
A lot of success in business comes down to controlling costs. Yet some things you just can't avoid like high energy bills. Right?
Not exactly. While it's true you're always going to have pay something for energy, there are many steps you can take to lower your overall bill, helping save not only your bank balance but the environment too. Here are three options to consider.
1) Ask about discounts
Energy companies know that businesses have a lot of options when it comes to choosing a retailer for their gas and electricity needs. As such, they may be willing to offer discounts for things like early payment or paying by direct debit. Even if they say no, there's no harm in asking. Plus, you always have the choice of switching to another provider if you feel they aren't being reasonable.
2) Take advantage of NSW's energy bill relief package
Last year the NSW Government announced a relief package for energy users in the state. The package has provisions for families struggling to pay their bills, people in public housing and discounts on lighting and air-conditioning equipment. But the kicker for small businesses is the discounts available on equipment upgrades that the government believes could save you up to $1,900 on your yearly bill.
You could, for example, be given a discount on a more energy-efficient fridge. And while you might say "I don't need a new fridge", just remember that it'll continue to provide savings over time. Seeing energy-efficient appliances as investments can help put their sometimes higher short-term costs into perspective.
3) Reduce your usage
The simplest and greenest way to reduce your energy bill is to just use less energy. First and most obviously, do the basics right – don't leave lights, appliances or electronics on unnecessarily. Don't blast heating or air conditioning with windows open. Don't leave the fridge open.
You can also consider upgrading some of your appliances to 'smart' versions of themselves. Smart thermostats, for example, can allow you to program temperatures for certain time periods, and more closely monitor your usage patterns. Motion activated lights are another handy innovation – toilet and storeroom lights are big culprits for being accidentally left on.
For more information on making your small business perform better and more efficiently, get in touch with the team at Wilson Porter today.