Is your business really heading towards in the right direction?

Is your business on course for success?

Is the world the same as when you were born into it? Is it the same as it was 10 years ago? What about this time last year?

It is incredibly difficult to argue with the Greek philosopher Heraclitus' idea that change is the only constant: Every day peoples' situations change, new technologies are invented and political precedents set, leaving us to with a lot of uncertainty about what the future will hold next.

However, by this time, often the inevitable has happened and a lot has changed. Be it within your business or in the political, technological or social climate, your point B may actually not be the best direction to head in anymore. However, when working on your small business, often you forget to think about this fundamental fact. You were at point A and you had a definitive plan to get to point B. Along the way, you learned things and made changes until you'd established your business.

What satisfied people in the past, may disgust them today; what was legal could be illegal; what threatened us in the past, may not exist; and what was not possible, may now be. Keeping in mind that all of these statements can be reversed, it becomes clear that, in business, you always have to redress your strategy and answer, "am I still relevant?"

Is the direction you have been going in is actually the best, or is it time to change course?Is the direction you have been going in is actually the best, or is it time to change course?

The danger of complacent business development

Recently, writer Craig Reardon from Smart Company posed this question to small business owners: "What if your industry started today?" It is a provocative proposal, but one that forces you to consider the decisions you would make today if there was no precedent to follow.

You always have to redress your business strategy and ask, "am I still relevant?"

This involves forgetting what others in your industry have done before you, as well as the tried-and-true methods you have established. Would you do anything differently if you didn't know any of this?

Many businesses fall into a cycle of complacency. Though not intentionally, they end up missing opportunities and often embarking on a mission bound to fail. Business coach and change specialist Dr Marcus Powe has seen many businesses owners develop tunnel vision, meaning they don't notice what is changing on the periphery and therefore cannot make the connections required to stay relevant – and it never has a good prognosis.

When reflecting on your current status, you may realise you have been heading in the wrong direction. But in order to change course, you need some guidance. It can be difficult to develop your business, however, with the right advice throughout the process, you can rest assured knowing that that there is a breeze behind your sails blowing you on course.

To find out more, get in touch with Wilson Porter and Associates today.