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Tax brackets for Australia for the 2022-23 period

Understanding the Australian tax system — including the tax brackets for the 2022-23 financial year — is a crucial aspect of financial management for both residents and non-residents. This page offers a comprehensive overview of the tax rates, deductions and other key elements of the Australian taxation system, helping you manage its intricacies with ease.

Understanding tax brackets in Australia

The concept of tax brackets in Australia is foundational to the country's tax system. These brackets, established by the Department of the Treasury and administered by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), represent a progressive approach to taxation.

This means that as an individual's income increases, so does the percentage of tax they pay on each additional dollar earned. This system, effective from 1 July 2022, ensures a more equitable distribution of the tax burden across different income levels.

Now, how does this impact your financial planning?

  • Budgeting and investments: Knowing your tax bracket helps budget and make informed investment decisions. For example, understanding how additional income or capital gains might be taxed can influence investment choices.
  • Tax return accuracy: Awareness of the tax brackets is crucial for accurately preparing tax returns and estimating potential refunds or liabilities.
  • Retirement planning: For long-term financial planning, including retirement, knowing the tax brackets helps strategise for income streams and superannuation withdrawals.

Essentially, the Australian tax brackets for 2022-23 are integral to both compliance and strategic financial planning as they guide individuals in managing their income, investments and tax obligations effectively.

Detailed breakdown of 2022-23 tax rates

Navigating the tax landscape requires a clear understanding of the specific tax brackets and rates. Here's an expanded view of these brackets, their implications and a practical example to illustrate tax calculations.

The tax brackets for 2022-23

  • $0 – $18,200: This is the tax-free threshold, meaning no tax is payable on income up to $18,200. It's a significant benefit for low-income earners, ensuring they are not taxed on essential living income.
  • $18,201 – $45,000: Income in this range attracts a 19% marginal tax rate. It's the first step into taxable income, impacting those entering the workforce or working part-time.
  • $45,001 – $120,000: Earnings within this bracket are taxed at 32.5%. This bracket covers a broad range of middle-income earners, encompassing a significant portion of the working population.
  • $120,001 – $180,000: Here, the tax rate increases to 37%. This bracket typically includes higher-income professionals and business owners.
  • $180,001 and over: Income above this threshold is taxed at the highest rate of 45%. It affects top earners and significantly contributes to the revenue system.

It's crucial to note that these rates do not include the Medicare levy, generally an additional 2% of your taxable income. This levy funds the public health system and applies to most taxpayers, with exceptions and reductions based on income and family circumstances.

The tax-free threshold of $18,200 is particularly beneficial for part-time workers, students, or those with lower incomes. It ensures that those with minimal financial resources are not burdened by income tax, providing more disposable income for essential expenses.

Practical example: How to calculate your tax

To illustrate, let's consider an individual earning $75,000 annually. Here's how their tax would be calculated:

  • No tax on the first $18,200.
  • 19% on income between $18,201 and $45,000: $5,092.
  • 32.5% on income between $45,001 and $75,000: $9,750.
  • Total tax payable before the Medicare levy: $14,842.

Taxable income: Comparing residents and non-residents in Australia

In the Australian tax system, the treatment of taxable income varies significantly between residents and non-residents, each with distinct tax obligations and rates. This differentiation is crucial for understanding how income is taxed, especially in a globalised workforce where remote work and international income are increasingly common.

Taxation of Australian residents

Australian residents enjoy several benefits in the tax system for tax purposes. One of the most notable is the tax-free threshold, allowing residents to earn up to $18,200 without paying any income tax. This threshold is particularly advantageous for low to middle-income earners, reducing their overall tax burden. Additionally, residents are subject to lower tax rates on lower income levels. This progressive tax rate system ensures that the tax burden is scaled according to the ability to pay, with higher income brackets facing higher tax rates.

Taxation of non-residents and foreign residents

In contrast, non-residents, including foreign residents working in Australia, face a different tax regime. They are taxed from the first dollar of income, with no access to the tax-free threshold. This means that every dollar earned in Australia is subject to taxation, regardless of the amount. The tax rates for non-residents are typically higher at the lower income levels compared to residents. This approach reflects the principle that those who benefit less from Australian government services and infrastructure should contribute differently to the tax system.

For individuals with foreign income or those working remotely for Australian companies, understanding these distinctions is vital. It affects how their income is taxed and what obligations they have towards the ATO. This is particularly relevant in scenarios where individuals might be considered tax residents in multiple countries, necessitating a careful examination of tax treaties and residency rules to determine their tax status in Australia.

A map of AutsraliaKnow your tax brackets in Australia


What are the tax brackets in Australia?
In the 2022-23 financial year, Australian tax brackets vary from 0% for incomes up to $18,200, scaling up to 45% for incomes exceeding $180,001. This progressive structure ensures that higher earners contribute a larger proportion of their income in taxes, reflecting their greater capacity to pay.

How is income tax calculated?
Income tax in Australia is calculated progressively. Each portion of your income falling within a specific bracket is taxed at the corresponding rate. For example, if your income stretches into the third bracket, the first portion is taxed at the first bracket's rate, the next portion at the second bracket's rate, and so on.

What is included in assessable income?
Assessable income in Australia encompasses a wide range of earnings. This includes wages from employment, profits from foreign income, capital gains from asset sales and other revenue forms. Each of these contributes to your total taxable income.

What deductions are you allowed?
Taxpayers in Australia can claim various deductions to reduce their taxable income. These include work-related expenses, charitable donations and costs incurred in managing tax affairs. Additionally, the low-income tax offset is available to eligible individuals, further reducing the tax burden for lower-income earners.

What is taxable income?
Taxable income in Australia is the portion of your income that is subject to tax after accounting for deductions and offsets. It includes your gross income from all sources, minus any allowable deductions. This figure is crucial as it determines your position in the tax brackets and, consequently, the amount of tax you owe.

Staying ahead with current Australian tax information

With its varying tax brackets and rates, the Australian tax system is subject to change, impacting tax planning for individuals and businesses. The ATO website is a reliable source for the latest updates — visit their website for the most current information here.

This article provides an essential overview of the current tax brackets for the financial year, aimed at guiding your financial planning. For a detailed understanding of how these brackets affect your finances, the ATO's online tax calculator, available here, can be a useful tool.

For expert tax advice tailored to your needs, reach out to Wilson Porter, your trusted accounting partner.