Tax agent services to help your business
Running a small business is a major undertaking. Whether you're just getting your new venture off the ground or have years of experience growing and establishing your company, you know how much time it takes to make sure everything runs smoothly.
When you add the many complicated workflows that come with tax preparation and compliance to all of the time and effort spent addressing the core needs of your company, it can feel overwhelming. Tax agents offer a variety of services that make managing tax concerns that much easier, leaving you with more time to focus on your business itself.

What does Wilson Porter bring to the table?
When you partner with Wilson Porter, you can count on qualified and experienced tax agents that know how to manage the ins and outs of the taxation system. Our broad range of tax services include:
Tax planning and advice
A sound, carefully developed plan to address your small company's tax obligations is a dependable path to the best results possible. You may be able to reduce your company's overall tax liability and take fuller advantage of credits and incentives when an informed strategy is in place. However, the time needed to formulate such plans is a major obstacle. There are only so many hours in the day, and, for many small-business owners, there are more immediate concerns that demand their attention.
Wilson Porter offers thorough end-of-year tax planning and advice that can put your organisation in a better position when it comes to handling tax obligations.
Business Activity Statements (BAS) are required for all companies that are GST registered. Keeping GST income separate from normal earnings, among other tasks, are complex and time-consuming. Wilson Porter offers a comprehensive BAS preparation service as well as consultative options, allowing you to pick the best option in light of your needs.
Income tax returns
As a small-business owner, you may choose to personally handle the preparation and lodging of your income tax return. Wilson Porter offers consultation services that provide peace of mind by helping you address compliance concerns and giving you more time to focus on what's important – the day-to-day and long-term operation of your company.
Fringe benefits tax returns
Fringe benefits tax is complex, to say the least. This tax obligation is one more issue that small-business owners have to address before they can consider their tax requirements complete for the year. Wilson Porter will help you build the most relevant strategy for addressing fringe benefits.
Land tax and payroll tax
Total compliance means addressing all tax burdens, including land tax for companies in NSW that own property that is above the state threshold and payroll tax for all companies with employees. Our tax agents bring their expertise to bear by helping you address these tax concerns.
Experienced and expert tax agents
With more than 20 years of work in the tax and finance sector, Wilson Porter has the institutional experience necessary to competently and confidently address an incredibly broad array of tax issues. We supplement this advantage with out dependable, qualified and knowledgeable staff, who strengthen our knowledge base with their past education and professional work. We collaborate to solve particularly complex and complicated issues. Additionally, we are fully compliant with the Tax Agents Services Act, allowing us to act as tax professionals and confirming that our organisation meets important operational standards.
To learn more about how the tax agents at Wilson Porter can help you and your small business successfully address your taxation obligations, get in touch with us today.